Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Conversations with Natalie

I talked to Natalie over the weekend and decided that the Andrew Meyer aka "Don't tase me, bro!" incident was a combination of police inexperience and douche baggery (thanks Jon Stewart). Meyer was resisting arrest and causing a scene, maybe he didn't need to be tasered, but he didn't do anything to prevent it such as cooperate. And last night was the premiere of Heroes which we enjoyed. It raised questions gave very few answers and didn't even get to some characters. Highlights: Sark is on Heroes and Peter/Jess's hair cut. A little creepy that Claire's new boyfriend was hoovering outside her window, peeping toms are never cute, plus who didn't see that coming, "alians, robots, blah blah blah." And what is Maya's power? Mass murder?

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