Monday, August 13, 2007

Amazon, Hoff, Food, Irish Drinkers

* There is some good news out of Brazil. Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has welcomed new figures showing that the destruction of the Amazon rainforest has decreased by 25%... The government says environmental policies, including measures against illegal logging, have had an effect. Environmentalists welcomed the figures, but said falling commodity prices and economic conditions were also a factor. If it's a continuing trend then this is a good sign, but if it's just a lull then even more work than what is already being done needs to start.

* A short, fluffy profile of Olympic swimmer Katie Hoff. I watched her performance at Nationals and she's going to thrill next summer!

* A quick reccipe for tonite: Wasabii Three Bean Salad.

* Apparently the Irish have always drank.

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