Lately, I've really wanted a piñata for no other reason than they are super fun. I keep passing them at Wal-mart and Target and such and I stop and stare and try to decide which one I want to smash open and what kind of candy I want to have fall out. It must be the morally sanctioned destruction and sweets that attract me to them. It was one of the few times in childhood that it was okay to destroy property.

I went in search of piñatas on the web and found a local producer that specializes in knock-offs of your favorite copyrighted, animated characters, such as "Cute Blue Monster" shown here who bears a striking resemblance to a little space alien who favors Elvis Presley. Not only does the spelling challenged producer make piñatas but they also offer BBQ. Score.

For a more hands on approach there are a few sites with instructions on how to make your own piñata. The trusty wikiHow has step-by-step intructions on how to make a simple round one. Now, the most suprising how-to was by Cheveron. There example is done in tastful, of the moment gray, pictured here. Apparently they have a whole kids site, nothing like earning brand loyalty from an early age, but will there be any oil left for them to buy?
After looking through pages of children's piñatas, I started to wonder what kids really want to destroy their favorite character. They are supposed to love this character and then delight in its complete destruction. It just seems odd, oh well.
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